LG D635 - The First Smartphone Using Windows Phone 8.1 Of LG

LG D635 - The First Smartphone Using Windows Phone 8.1 Of LG

(Technewonline)  Earlier this past February, Microsoft has announced, LG will return as a partner in the production of devices running the Windows Phone operating system after many years its not release any Windows Phone smartphone does.  

A few years ago, LG has also worked with Microsoft to produce Windows Phone devices. However, due to Android OS users more attractive and totally free, so Korean technology companies have changed production plans and achieve quite a lot of success, becoming one of the  large His cell phone in the world. 

LG D635 - The First Smartphone Using Windows Phone 8.1 Of LG  1 
   While LG has not had any official statement about the new Windows Phone devices, the Alan Mendelevich - founder AdDuplex ad networks (ad network specializing in Windows and Windows Phone) shared on the Twitter account that a mobile device WP run by new production called LG D635 appears in the online database AdDuplex.
LG D635 - The First Smartphone Using Windows Phone 8.1 Of LG 2Sources said the LG D635 have 5-inch screen, 720x1.280 pixel resolution and will run Windows Phone 8.1 operating system. Unfortunately, there is no disclosure about the other specs of the machine, however, based on the original disclosure, can get the D635 is a mid-range smartphone.

A few months ago, there were rumors about  LG Uni8 smartphone running Windows Phone 8.1, however, there are rumors "not true". Currently there is no clear association between D635 and Uni8 or not? We will continue to monitor and update the information as soon for you read.

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