4 Tools To Check Online Broadband Speed And Quality

4 Tools To Check Online Broadband Speed And Quality

(Technewonlin) With significance improvement in data transfer technology, high speed broadband in double digit Mbps (even triple) for home consumers have become a reality. However, a flawless internet connection which always gives the speed it promised is uncommon.

   To check if your ISP is providing you the broadband speed it promised you take the help of certain online tools. There are services which not only check the speed but also the overall quality of your connection by testing it on different parameters.

   Here we have compiled a list of 4 such effective tools which help in determining the actual internet speed and quality by testing servers at different locations across the world. Check them out.

1. Speedtest

   Speedtest is the most popular tool for testing bandwidth speeds wide. You need select a server (the server that you are the best) on the map and click the Begin Test button to begin test. it will download and uploading a few files, and then displays download and upload speeds for you. You need select a different server to test speed once again. you need also compare your results with others and
are  shthe results by using the link at the bottom of the results obtained are namely: Forum click Copy Link or Copy Link Direct. 

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2. Speed

4 Tools To Check Online Broadband Speed And Quality 1 
   Speed ​​is a tool to test broadband speed test not only speed Internet, but it also shows that the number of connections per minute and the average time ping-ponging It can test the connection slow (GPRS, ISDN) connections as well as rapid as DSl2 + or VDSL / Internet

  Speed ​​download files from 3 different servers at the same time and return the results internet speed after combining the results obtained from the server 3. It will examine factors such as download speed, stability and response time of the internet connection

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 3. Pingtest 

4 Tools To Check Online Broadband Speed And Quality 2 
   Pingtest is a tool to analyze broadband quality. It performs checks (by checking Packet Loss, Ping and Jitter) and displays the result notification capability internet connection so you can make the appropriate payment for the use of the voice services (VoIP), streaming music or video, or playing the remote control game. Ban can also share and compare your test results with others.

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 4. BandwidthPlace 

4 Tools To Check Online Broadband Speed And Quality 3 
   BandwidthPlace is service very easy to use. The only thing you need to do is click on the button "Start test" is done However it does not allow you to choose the server or filling other options to complete the test investigation, it will display the results of download and upload speeds in units Kbps.Ngoai out, at the bottom it also displays the results of the final inspection and test execution time.

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Wish You Success.

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