Why You Must Have A Mobile Friendly Website ?

Why You Must Have A Mobile Friendly Website

(Technewonline)Today more businesses create websites with user-friendly mobile devices. Why do that? Currently, the prerequisite is big business, small or medium must have a user friendly website or mobile apps mobile. 2013, more than half of the American population uses smartphones and 73.4% of them use smartphones to access the Internet. 

It is estimated that in 2017, 90% of smartphone users worldwide will access information about your company on the Internet via mobile devices. Let's look at a few reasons why the company's website friendly to mobile devices:


   Friendly sites with mobile devices allow potential customers to access information, products and services of your company anytime, anywhere. Accessibility is the key to success for your business.


 Why You Must Have A Mobile Friendly Website 1
 The friendly website with a mobile device convenient to use mobile phones and especially those who use smartphones. Calculated: if your website friendly to mobile devices, more people will access it increases the click-through rate and conversion rate (CRT) for your business. 

Currently people searching, shopping, restaurants and search hotel reviews and book via their smart phones. Businesses with websites friendly mobile devices will gradually develop. The use of smart phones will not have to squint to see your website, while the competitors to give them a friendly site for mobile devices.

3.Social Media Development: 

 Why You Must Have A Mobile Friendly Website 2
July 7/2013, 93 million users access Facebook through the browser on your smartphone. 70% of American Facebook users now accessing social channels via smartphones. Approximately 62% of respondents said that Facebook is the most useful social network for small business research prior to purchasing.

4.Mobile SEO:

 Why You Must Have A Mobile Friendly Website 3
 Google has launched a strong stance on SEO on smartphones, notice will be given not find out if your site is not friendly to mobile devices. Google said the affected relegated only to friendly website with mobile devices. No need to give explanation. If your site does not rank in mobile search, you should stop trading because your competitors will be found before you.


The business website friendly to mobile devices will be found much more. Q4 2013, 34% of internet users in the world using mobile devices to research products and services they wish to purchase.
Why You Must Have A Mobile Friendly Website 42013, e-commerce sales totaled $ 58.5 million and projected to reach $ 200 billion in 2018 As a business owner should ask: "Do you want to become one part of this trend is not? The answer is "YES". 

6.New mobile Internet is the internet:

 According to ComScore statistics, mobile devices accounted for 55% of Internet users in the United States in May 1/2014, applications increased 47% and Internet traffic 8 % traffic coming from mobile phones.
Why You Must Have A Mobile Friendly Website 5As you can see, the trend skyrocketed to more and more people use their mobile devices to access the Internet and your business website. Once they reach your site, they will not want to struggle with a website if it can not read, can not control or complex.

It is imperative that business friendly site with your mobile device must be simple, intuitive, fast loading and easy to navigate. As a business owner you need to throw the old concept out the window and adapt to the new realities of how people are using the Internet to learn about you, what your business offers and why they should buy product and your service.

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