Windows Phone 10 To Fall Into Early Blooming Ephemeral

Windows Phone 10 To Scene Fall Into Early Blooming Ephemeral

(Technewonline) Although Windows 10 is expected to bring new wind for Windows Phone, but to compete with iOS and Android is not easy, not to mention the "bypassing" the two platforms are solid position in the smartphone market. 

The first version of Windows Phone Build 10 can launch in the spring of next year, before the official release at the end of the year.

When Microsoft released Windows 10, which also revealed that Windows Phone 10 may appear in early 2015 with the trial version, and the stable version will be available for users in the same year.

This realization certainly numerous users support Windows Phone will really care when there are updates coming on the market as soon as possible. Some analysts believe that the world, the efforts from Microsoft worth noting, but the deployment of Windows 10 may not have a positive impact on the smartphone.

Tim Bajarin, founder and chief analyst of Creative Strategies in an interview with TechTarget says both iOS and Android are still very strong in the market of mobile phones. Although Windows 10 is expected to bring new wind for Windows Phone, but to compete with iOS and Android is not easy, not to mention the "bypassing" the two platforms are solid position in the smartphone market.

Windows Phone needs more attention

According to analysts, the biggest problem for Microsoft's Windows Phone users to recognize what is in this mobile operating system? Microsoft should find ways to encourage people to experience the widely used platform mobile operating system.

Microsoft needs to do to Windows Phone more attractive, but at the same time maintaining investment in hardware and new devices in order to increase the competitiveness of high-end products running Android and iOS. 

However, in some markets, Windows Phone rivals Android and iOS by far, in which the data given in August comScore recently said the Windows Phone market is only 3.5%, while the leading Android with 52%, iOS came in second with 42%.

Windows Phone 10 should see?

Windows Phone 10 To Scene Fall Into Early Blooming Ephemeral 1

To be able to compete, and weight to create a new mobile platform, Microsoft will certainly equip Windows Phone 10 separate improvements.

Preview version of Windows 10 was designed to focus on PC than before, but this was the first test version, was released specifically for computer users. Therefore, the Windows Phone 10 is focused on the development at this stage seem to be quite "vague". When Microsoft is concentrating on Windows 10 to create a buzz and a counterweight on the market, whether Windows Phone 10 have enough power to cast the official release?

A test version of Windows 10 tablet could be released in the coming months, while Windows Phone 10 will appear in early 2015, a number of rumors that the latest version Build platform will direct launched in Spring 2015, along with the operating system for the desktop PC.

Spring comes, the best season ten thousand flowers. Windows Phone 10 may have fallen on "early bloom, with the new"? This may be the polar opposite of a positive impact to the smartphone market next time? Or just a "fairy tale" of the new mobile era only ...


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