HTC One M8 Was Rated As The Best Android Smartphone

HTC One M8 Was Rated As The Best Android Smartphone

(Technewonnline) One M8, high-end smartphone, HTC has equipped Bussiness Insider - a site specializing in business and technology selected as the best Android smartphone market today.

Accordingly, a notice was published last week, Business Insder that among smartphone makers like HTC Android market with M8 One, Samsung Galaxy Note and Motorola with Moto X 4 2nd generation HTC One M8 handset is rated as excellent for "beautiful screen, easy to use software, better camera and longer battery life."

One M8 get HTC launched in March last, the One series of phones released by the company in 2013. The first telephone line M7 One was once regarded as the first phone Android's first line could rival the iPhone in terms of quality. Shortly after launch, the One M7 has won many awards such as the Phone Of The Year, Best Video and Best Design Phone.

HTC One M8 Was Rated As The Best Android Smartphone 1 
   According to Business Insider, the One M8, manufacturers from Taiwan not only maintain the quality as One M7 but also increase the aesthetic quality of the investments in product design. Accordingly, the One M8 aluminum unibody design, accompanied by sound effects and the best visibility. "One M8 really is a good device to experience if you are looking for a new Android smartphone". That is true to this report.

Earlier, in July last, a survey online about next smartphone choice of consumers made by Mobile Choice magazine, based in the UK also announced results for the victory in favor of the production from Taiwan. Accordingly, with 25.8% of survey participants said they want their next smartphone is HTC, Samsung 21.3% and 17.9% chose chose Apple.

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