This Christmas, With Windows Phone Follow Santa Claus

This Christmas, With Windows Phone Follow Santa Claus 
(Technewonline) One of the Christmas season again, like every year the children around the world eager to write to Santa Claus wish to receive a surprise gift from him for Christmas night. However, with the development of technology, the journey of Santa Claus gifts this year can be monitored by Cortana.

Software giant Microsoft is embarking cooperation with North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and the Non-North American commanders, unit organizes regular "monitoring program paths" Santa constant in order to create Santa Tracker website.

This Christmas, With Windows Phone Follow Santa Claus 1Cortana may know Santa's whereabouts. (Photo: WMPoweruser)

This site can also help people track Santa on Christmas directly with Cortana virtual assistant feature on Windows Phone.

When users ask, Cortana will access the database of NORAD to give answers on the latest Santa's journey. Example, users only need to ask the question: "Where is Santa now?" (Santa or Santa Claus is now where?), Then Cortana will reply, "Right now, Santa might be stringing up lights glittering on the eaves." (Now, Santa may be stretching the wire lights on the porch ").

Naturally, the answer is only entertaining and you should not place undue reliance on our site to answer. But Santa Claus story is true or not, ask the millions of children going to receive a gift in this Christmas season.

                                                                                                                         (Follow Wmpoweruser)

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