The Hottest Phones Of 2014

The Hottest Phones Of In 2014

(Technewonline) Here are the phones can not fail to mention when talking about the mobile market during the past year.


The Hottest Phones Of In 2014 1 
When it comes to the blockbuster hit of the year, the duo iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be the model that you can not help but think of. Compared with previous years, Apple has a lot of change and alternative to its iPhone product line. Instead conservative with 4-inch screen size, Apple has gradually with listeners user opinions and give birth to the large smartphone. Therefore, despite not owning designer really impressive as the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S ago, the duo iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus also has attracted great attention from consumers.

In addition to changes in the size, attraction brand from Apple is one of the points can not fail to mention when it comes to iPhone. With the constant changes in the past few years, to make sure the product line from Apple will still occupy the No. 1 position in the mobile market in the next few years.


The Hottest Phones Of In 2014 2 
   The next character to be included in this list is the super product of the Samsung Galaxy Note 4. This is also the main rival to the Apple smartphone duo with. Note Advantages of Note 4 compared to Iphone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus lies in a highly customizable Android operating system, along with the appearance of the tree S-Pen stylus with high sensitivity and unique features optimized through product life. Note 4 also shows how big break by Samsung as the first manufacturer to use this technology in the design of steel rim.

With the huge investment in terms of communication, influence Note 4 no less than what Apple's iPhone has ever done. Samsung is one of the pioneers in the development of the first movement Wefie develop features and quality of the camera lens before. With what brings Note 4, this will be the biggest competitor to overtake Apple in market share war.

Buy Now.


The Hottest Phones Of In 2014 3 
   Not owning an impressive design, nor is equipped with a configurable level really high, but what sets the ZenFone 3 products do really makes people feel surprised.

Since when have the information first introduced, many users have been attracted by the price very attractive product from ASUS. With low prices, the housing ZenFone 3 products almost cover market segments cheap affordable. There are times, multiple users in world irritating than having to wait too long to appear official day of the three products.

At the present time, despite being released relatively long, ZenFone ZenFone 4 and 5 remains in the top 10 products were consumed with the greatest number. Thanks to enter the market at the right time with the client object oriented rational, not many people amazed at the rapid success of this production.

With the continued focus is on the affordable segment and plans to launch a few new products in the next year, the presence of the new ASUS products with the ZenFone will play an important role in promoting the development of the mobile market.


The Hottest Phones Of In 2014 4 
Consumption terrible BlackBerry Z10 is a big surprise of the mobile market in 2014.

Vietnam market debut in early May 2013, just a year and a half after being released, models from BlackBerry has gone through 5 times with reduced prices made many startling.

Rates from $ 750 at the time of launch, only a month after the sale, the price of this model was reduced to $ 650 (June 6/2013). July and October of the same year, Z10 continues to lower the price by 2 again

However, this model is only really created craze going through the 5th round of discounts to drop $ 250. Devaluations that pushed the price down to Z10 at $ 205, which is equivalent to the model is classified as affordable cheap.

Along with the continuous adjustment of price, quality BlackBerry phones sold in the last 6 months has increased significantly. At times, the buyer must be in line to own a Z10. This is not a precedent for the previous BlackBerry products.

Buy Blackberry Z10 Here.

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