Skype On Windows Phone Software Receive Updates On The User Interface

Skype on Windows Phone software receive updates on the user interface

(Technewonline) Skype on Windows Phone software just received an update on the interface. The upgrade computers running Windows Phone help with the big screen, typically Lumia 1520 to take advantage of better equipment around the area where I have been.

Skype for Windows Phone software recorded a lot of complaints about the interface does not change between two devices with small screens and large. For such a large release of the application on the large screen devices, making the user feel very wasteful use area on their devices, especially on the large screen devices like the Lumia 1520 . the new update brings tweak the font and display software density.

Skype on Windows Phone software receive updates on the user interface 1

Interface software Skype for Windows Phone update after receiving interface, the old interface (left) and new interface utilize space big screen (new).

Regarding performance using Skype on Windows Phone has dedicated much better performance on Android and iOS this is also the problem of unreasonable application performance on multi-organ multiple platforms. In addition, there are still many things that the application development team has to do to optimize Skype experience on mobile.

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