What Is Internet Of Things ? Why It Will Become The Trend Of The Future?

Why It Will Become The Trend Of The Future

(Technewonline) Recently, you may have heard the phrase 'Internet of Things', so in essence the meaning of this phrase is and why it has developed very strong way?

 what is Internet of Things ?

Indeed, expression of Internet of Things (IoT) have appeared since the early days of the Internet, the inventors hope to connect everything through a heterogeneous network to be able to control them for for the purpose of man.

In the literature on the IoT, people often refer to a beverage vending machine automatically at Carnegie Melon University (USA) in the early 1980s as a first device for opening this trend, the machine can be programmed to connect to the controller via the Internet, in order to check the status of the machine and add water as needed without direct exposure test.

Then, the concept of Internet of Things only really came in 1999, when people began to realize the potential of this trend, in addition to the Internet as well as scientific barriers to technology gradually being explored.

According to the definition from Wikipedia:

   Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the world scenario, where every object, every object, person offered an identity of their own, and all have the ability to transfer and exchange of information, data over a single network without the need for direct interaction between people, or people with computers. IoT has evolved from the convergence of wireless technology, micro-electromechanical technology and the Internet.

   So can temporarily understand, Internet of Things is when all things are connected together via the Internet, the user (owner) can control all of your items online but only by a smart device , such as a smartphone, tablet, PC or even just a tiny SmartWatch hands.

Why It Will Become The Trend Of The Future 1

Recently, the Internet of Things also includes factory-style interface with the machine (M2M), limiting the impact of humans but mainly applied in the production of energy and heavy industries.

The prospect seemed only on this film was gradually appearing in fact, with the development of the smart, smart TVs, smart refrigerator, .... and also can not fail to mention the expanded address space to IPv6 instead of IPv4 as before.

Internet of Things is the future of the world

Although conceived long era of Internet of Things, but only really get noticed and exploded in recent years, following the development of smartphones, tablets and wireless connections, ...

And even after getting the attention of the community, IoT showed his potential with amazing figures.

Cisco, solution providers and leading network equipment currently forecast: By 2020, there will be about 50 billion objects connected to the Internet, including billions of mobile devices, television, washing machine, ...

To see the development of this area, they also provide data in 1984, when the newly formed Cisco only about 1,000 devices connected to global networks, by 2010, this figure was up $ 10 billion.

Intel, the new unit engaged in manufacturing chip market for smart devices serve IoT has grossed more than $ 2 billion in 2014 from the field, 19% growth compared to 2013.

And impossible not to mention a brand Vietnam is Bkav also gained remarkable achievements of the Internet of Things. Intelligent Systems SmartHome Bkav is a combination of smart devices in one house, are connected to the Internet and can automatically adjust and control via smartphone.

After decades of research and production, Bkav SmartHome has certain foothold in the market and can fully compete with other smart building solutions around the world.

Besides, the giants like Google, Apple, Samsung, Microsoft also no secret intention to penetrate this market, promising a strong competition in the near future, bringing to an earlier era with IoT people.

             Internet of Things from the Perspective of Intel.

Clearly, the Internet of Things can change completely the way of human life in the future. When everything was "Internet transform" user can fully control them from anywhere, just a phone with an Internet connection. Property achievements in this field means that you are holding in your hands the key to the success of all time. Internet of Things is the trend of the future.

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