4 Things To Remember While Cloud Computing Applications Business

4 Things To Remember While Cloud Computing Applications Business
   Shaun Han, Vice President, Technology Applications, Oracle Corporation in ASEAN

(Technewonline) When switching the operation of the enterprise to the cloud, the leaders of enterprises should develop a strategic plan to worth the potential challenges they may face.

While the benefits of the transformation of business processes into a cloud structure was very clear and there are plenty of tools measuring the return on investment when implementing cloud computing the potential risks of this transition to be taken lightly.

For midsize businesses, decided assess any application cloud computing should belong to an initial assessment and risk prevention. Ban this expertise outside executives and technology strategy also requires business owners, professionals and risk management, legal experts, business strategy experts to consider the following risks:

1. Access the private data: In the fierce competition of the current business, every company needs to do everything possible to protect the safety and integrity of the data. During the transition to cloud computing, the board shall determine a detailed plan to ensure that documents are safe during and after the transition. Before this process is carried out, there should be a study to select the key assessment tool for security structures and the final report should outline policies to manage access and separate responsibilities of users, both on the application of new cloud computing as well as the point on the interface between the new cloud systems and legacy applications on the system. This is even more important if the facility is leased equipment from cloud providers for many lessees.

2. The availability of the platform: business leaders to decide the presence of cloud computing has significant operations of the company and is responsible for shaping and implementing development plans rather not the IT team. With all the processes related to customers and revenue, all possible causes that the foundation is not available to be identified. Preventive measures, associated with cloud providers or local IT team developed, should be selected before deciding to switch bolted down. With the object outside the enterprise and the processes related to the user, then the available means to have the standard response, interaction of important transactions by a bad experience with a company website can prevent prevent clients stay and learn more. The second aspect is the availability of openness of the options in the future. Leaders need to ensure that their businesses will always assume ownership of the data owners and data conversion system on the cloud, and if businesses want to end the contract with the supplier or the cloud supply stop working, stop providing the service, the data can still move out at a later time with the financial cost, minimal management.

3. The identity of the process: Profit from any of the software development business which depends on the precise connection between business processes and interaction with data, users of applications used. The structure of cloud computing will cause challenges for transition by no way to customize the application for each individual cloud. Leadership needs to map out all the processes will be converted to the system vendor's cloud and reasonable modifications before deciding to switch rather than later, when encountering problems arise. They also need to clearly identify which processes are converted to sync the new process with the current structure, while ensuring there is no structure or system applications current investment is not correct level. Of course this would be easily solved if somewhat over the current system is a cloud vendor support.

4. Acceptance of employees: The success of any IT project depends on the response received from the user and after the project goes into operation. Leadership skills training to new employees so that they can quickly adapt and successful projects. Transition to cloud computing for the first time may need some additional settings. Finally when the internal application is moved to the cloud, the level of success depends on the streamlining of work. Many people will recognize their work was reorganized after some time. The leaders need to ensure that employees will use the new system to capture the timely new work processes and quickly adapt to the cloud computing system.

For a long time, businesses have internal IT team to manage all business processes. Conversion of IT processes to a system of risk assessment, establishing reserve capacity, shall apply as noted above will help businesses easily deploy the application development on the cloud clouds - the process can not be avoided in the future.

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