Google Actively Hiring Hackers Working To Enhance The Security Of Android

Google Actively Hiring Hackers Working

(Technewonline) Google is making a very bold step in the upgrade experience using Android. From the pay bonus for hackers to find fault, they (Google) are actively hiring the hackers work long and hard to improve the security of Android.

This is not a secret for Google, when they were also granted a period of huge bonuses to the serious study and even hackers (hackers) in finding bugs in Chrome browser and other software of Google. Over the years, Google has spent nearly $ 4 million as a reward for the great error, they found small. Now, Google is targeting content within Google Play Store and more, this is seen as an attempt to provide better security for the ecosystem around Android.

Strictly in time to save the received awards from Google.

Due to the success of previous events from a variety of awards. Google has implemented a plan entirely new approach.

Google will contact the serious research, the hacker has discovered the error in the past, instead of drawing them to the prize, they will be provided in cash. In these cases will be accepted strictly on cash upfront about 3,000 USD. Google's security team wanted a second opinion, more objective about many aspects of the software within Google Play and Android.

Google Actively Hiring Hackers Working 1
        This will be the new name of security daring project from Google in 2015?

Finally, the common users will be happy with this move from Google. This is a small action but very thought, for example, Google Play Store will appear separately an integrated anti-virus tools, test the app in the store and stop them if necessary. The outside will be strictly examined to ensure that the anti-virus security tools themselves are no holes. The latest information on this program will be announced soon, hopefully this will be a move to bring more benefits to both users and Google on experience using Android operating system's largest planet today.

However, there comes a question, whether this is a step in the right? the hacker and security to work together a "home" ?!

                                                                                                            (Follow: AndroidAuthority)

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