Opening Against Cybercrime center Of Microsoft In Singapore

Opening Against Cybercrime center Of Microsoft In Singapore

(Technewonline) On 16/2, Microsoft opened a satellite center in Singapore against cybercrime in order to enhance security throughout Asia as well as in the island lion.

According to The Straits Times, the new center will be established to monitor the threat appeared on the network and help maintain the security of Singapore through the sharing of intelligence and collaboration in business.

Established under the center plans to expand the network of Microsoft Crime in America, Satellite Centre against cybercrime in Singapore is one of five satellite centers will be set up across the globe, in the city Beijing (China), Berlin (Germany), Tokyo (Japan) and Washington (USA). At the same time, this will be one of 12 satellite centers that Microsoft plans to build globally.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, the director of the Office of the Prime Minister of Singapore S. Iswaran emphasized the opening Satellite Centre against cyber crime is not just a mark has important implications for Microsoft, but also for Singapore and the region, in general fight against cybercrime.

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