Smartphone Market In 2015, The Name Will Be Mentioned ?

Smartphone Market In 2015, The Name Will Be Mentioned

(Technewonline0 Smartphone market is witnessing fierce competition with many designs, different design smartphone. You will choose their brand smart phone?

Besides the cult brand smartphone from Samsung, Apple or Sony, 2014 also saw the development of more powerful rookie from China as Xiaomi, Huawei and Lenovo.

Although maintaining the top spot in the smartphone market, 2014 saw a decline in sales of Samsung. Meanwhile, the new iPhone has helped wider screen Apple iPhone sales reached a record in the history of the restaurant.

To explore trends in smartphone brand choice in 2015, Phone Arena website has conducted a survey of smartphone users with questions: If choosing a smartphone today, you will choose what brand?

The results showed that, Sony's brand is the most popular smartphone at a rate of 22.12%. Brand Samsung smartphone users can rate many 2nd (17.84%). Brand Apple ranked 3rd with user-selected rate was 13.1%.

Ranked No. 4 smartphone brand is the most popular choice is HTC with 10.05% rate. Brand LG smartphone 5th selected multiple users to rate reached 6.25%.

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