Users Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone can convert iPhone

Users Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone can convert iPhone

(Technewonline) Rumors Apple allows you to change any phone into iPhone has now become a reality when the user wants to switch from Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone to iPhone can now bring old equipment directly to Apple to change get coupons.

Under the program reuse and recycling expansion of Apple, the owner of the device Sony, Samsung, Nokia, BlackBerry, HTC, LG allowed the machine to the Apple Store in exchange for gift cards. You can change the network or directly to the Apple Store store. Apple Store employees will be priced based on machine type and operating condition.

The smartphone is approved exchange of 8 samples of Sony, including Xperia Z3; 22 samples of Samsung, including the Galaxy Note 4 and S5; 5 samples Nokia Lumia 1520 include; 4 samples BlackBerry Bold 9900 includes; HTC 7 samples, including samples LG One M8 and 9, including the Nexus 5.

Currently, a new application program in the UK, the US, Italy, France. Information about the program was leaking from the beginning of May 3. This is one of the latest measures that Apple made to encourage users to switch to Android platform in his last few months. Previously, the company also released guidance switch from Android to iPhone detail.

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