Photo-Realistic Appearance Of The IPhone 6C

Photo-Realistic Appearance Of The IPhone 6C

(Technewonline) After the information about Apple will launch three new iPhone later this year include 6S, iPhone and iPhone 6C 6S Plus, the latest images of the first iPhone was revealed 6C.

According to the information obtained 6C iPhone will have 4 inch wide screen similar to the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S. In addition, this device is also equipped with NFC connectivity, fingerprint sensor, protective glass Gorilla Glass and plastic to reduce production costs.

Photo-Realistic Appearance Of The IPhone 6C 1

Design, iPhone 6C design is quite similar to the iPhone 5C man but he has a few differences. Firstly, iPhone and iPhone 5C 6C different in terms of the camera. Second, iPhone 5C only one speaker in the iPhone range 6C leaked to two speakers at the bottom edge strip. Currently, Apple has yet to comment anything on this information. As for you, you may want to sample the real iPhone launch?

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