There Will Be Large Hard Drive SSD, But ... Very Expensive?

There Will Be Large Hard Drive SSD

(Technewonline) The company plans to spend more than $ 18 billion for 3D NAND chip production in the next few years, a huge investment, even compared to both computer manufacturers and chip handling.

SSDs will soon become the standard for the PC in the next few years, because of the speed and storage capacity are essential elements. 3D NAND useful to do this. However, SSD prices will not decline, but also more expensive.

Instead of using the old flat, where the data bits are placed flat on the wafer, manufacturers are moving towards 3D NAND, where the bits are stacked vertically. That means more memory in a smaller space.

But recent studies of Stifel, a research firm in the market, shows, to realize that, the manufacturer must pour a large investment in manufacturing technology, a necessary step before began producing large numbers. This investment will take many years to payback.

Technology 3D NAND chip production significantly more complex than the traditional chip design. While previous generations of flash memory takes only 3 or 4 wafers, the 3D NAND will need from 120 to 144.

The cost of producing 3D NAND huge if considering the budget plan in new infrastructure that companies like Intel, Samsung and Toshiba make. According to research by Stifel, the company plans to spend more than $ 18 billion for 3D NAND chip production in the next few years, a huge investment, even compared to both computer manufacturers and chip reasons.

Expected 3D NAND chip will become more common as we crossed the flat chip design on the market, but even when popular in 2018, the cost will still be very high.

It also means, memory technology was developed with the flat will have a much lower price. In a short time, 3D NAND will not lead to lower costs for large sized SSDs, because the company wants to make sure the money faster recovery.

Materials, generation 3D NAND SSD can make a big impact? Let's wait and see.

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