Smartphone Capable Of Earthquake Prediction?

Smartphone Capable Of Earthquake Prediction

(Technewonline) Any earthquake with magnitude ranked magnitude 7 or higher can be detected on the smartphone, and neighboring communities can receive notifications in seconds related to seismic activity occurs .

In addition to daily monitoring, the sensor on the smartphone can also give warnings about the risk of an earthquake.

For the new study, the individual devices can be seen as part of a tsunami early warning system, the idea has long been debated. This is partly due to advances in GPS technology.

According to a group of scientific researchers in the US said, any earthquake with magnitude ranked magnitude 7 or higher can be detected on the smartphone, and neighboring communities can receive Newspaper in seconds relating to seismic activity occurs.

Lead researcher Sarah Minson agencies from the United States Geological Survey, based in California, sharing the same page LA Times that the use of the accelerometer data with GPS has the potential to create a activity map in real time is very accurate.

GPS on smartphones with good visibility. For example, if you take the smartphone and moving distance of 10 cm to the right, it recognizes amazing accuracy, and similar to the left, too. That's what interested her team Minson.

The group of scientific researchers used data taken from the 2011 earthquake in the Tohoku region of Japan, as well as simulated data earthquake in Hayward, California. To avoid false alarms (such as driving over a pothole), the system will find the same thing happens with many different smartphones in the same time.

Research results are published in the journal Science Advances, but the research is still needed more time. You may want to consider enrolling in an earthquake warning system early on before this smartphone into a reality.

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