Why Laptop Samsung Refused To Windows Update?

Why Laptop Samsung Refused To Windows Update

   It is unclear how many computers are installed Samsung SW Update to download and activate Disable_Windowsupdate.exe, just know that our users have started complaining about the problem at least since April, and Samsung is also not up language to solve problems.

Samsung has unexpectedly disables Windows Update on a number of laptops being sold in the market.

Microsoft MVP Patrick Barker discovered the cause of Windows Update is disabled on the machine tool through Auditpol Samsung, discovered SW Update Samsung Software proceed downloading and running a file named Disable_Windowsupdate.exe .
Why Laptop Samsung Refused To Windows Update 1
Samsung said: "You can install the software related to your laptop easily and quickly than by using the SW Update. This is a program that helps you install and update software and drivers a simple way. "

In another way, this is one of those tools is the OEM supply bloatware on its product lines to keep all software and drivers that they provide updated, including party software Tuesday. As Barker points out, there is a big difference between Samsung's update tool with another tool OEMs that's it disables Windows Update.

Barker found Disable_Windowsupdate.exe be configured to automatically download any time when Windows restarts. He also found that SW Update to download the executable file as part of the package zip file downloaded from the website of Samsung, which is certified by Samsung.

This installation was implemented to work with computers running Windows XP or later, with the different language settings. It is unclear how many computers are installed Samsung SW Update to download and activate Disable_Windowsupdate.exe, just know that our users have started complaining about the problem at least since April, and Samsung is also not up language to solve problems.

Windows Update responsible for many of the Windows system, including OS updates, software, drivers ... Most importantly, the role of handling all security updates. Therefore, Windows Update invisible makes you face any risk of cyber attacks. This is a very serious issue which, according to Samsung needs to address immediately.

Windows Update has overwritten drivers on some laptops have, or temporarily stop a certain drivers. Samsung launched the solution to fix this problem is to disable all Windows updates.
Why Laptop Samsung Refused To Windows Update 2
But a spokesman for Microsoft said: "Windows Update is a Microsoft key component is designed to meet security commitments between Microsoft and its customers. We recommend that you not disable or change Windows Update in any circumstances, as this may cause increased security risks unnecessarily. We are negotiating with Samsung to solve this problem. "

According to the latest update, Samsung has recognized the problem and said it is working with Microsoft "remove jumble" this.

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