Compare Phones Samsung Galaxy S5 And IPhone 5S

Compare Phones Samsung Galaxy S5 And IPhone 5S  
(TechNewOnline) Choose Android or iOS device? It always is a difficult question to most users so far. Two platforms represent different approaches to mobile phones and platforms to suit each with a different user.
iPhone 5S and Samsung Galaxy S5 is the leading high-end smartphone, representatives for the two mobile platforms Android and iOS, both of which are the best smartphone on the market today. But where is the best smartphone of 2014? 


Samsung Galaxy S5 - size large, plastic back cover with detachable small hole

IPhone 5S - Size small, monolithic slabs and non-removable back cover

Obviously Galaxy S5-size (142x72, 5x8, 1 mm) larger than the iPhone 5S (123.8 x58, 6x7, 6 mm). For many people, it is important to consider and weigh when deciding to buy a product in two.

Samsung phone size so large that when hold with one hand to manipulate the hand will feel a little tense and people with small hands will be a little difficult to hold with one hand and use, although the machine is still quite thin and easy to pocket. 

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   While the iPhone 5S due to its compact size and easy to hold with one hand operation as well as pocket. There is a fact that the design of the iPhone 5S is better than Galaxy S5. Corrugated plastic back cover of S5 although decorated with tiny holes but when holding both products, the iPhone 5S clear view deserve a more advanced smartphone of Samsung products. 

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  But Samsung's design allows users to remove the back cover and battery replacement easy, while the iPhone 5S is not monolithic by design can not be disassembled. Galaxy S5 also has waterproof capability, while iPhone 5S in the drop down if the water is almost certainly corrupted.

Victory - iPhone 5S

Scan fingerprint

Samsung Galaxy S5 - Natural Synaptics ID

iPhone 5S - TouchID

   These are two of the first smartphone to use the fingerprint scanner. But both have completely different ways of working together. Touch Apple ID to take advantage of circular Home button to capture fingerprint estate, while Samsung's sensor is activated by moving your fingers glide over, and a fingerprint scanner on the Home button rectangle. 

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   However, while using your Apple ID Touch sensors utilize circular Home button to capture fingerprint estate, while Samsung's sensor is activated by moving your fingers glide over, and a fingerprint scanner on the Home button rectangle. Touch Set to scan fingerprint ID on iPhone 5s also easier, including finger on the home button repeatedly to register fingerprints from many angles. Samsung Set back slightly different, users from repeatedly stroked down the Home button on the screen.

Sensor of iPhone 5S TouchID only used to unlock the phone or purchase from iTunes authorization only. While fingerprint sensor on the Galaxy S5 also compatible with mobile payment applications PayPal, which allows authorized users to pay via PayPal using fingerprints.

Victory - Samsung Galaxy S5


Samsung Galaxy S5 - Super AMOLED, 5.1-inch, 1080p

iPhone 5S - IPS LCD, 4 inch, resolution 1.536x640 pixels. 

Compare Phones Samsung Galaxy S5 And IPhone 5S 5Galaxy S5 sized screen with 1.1 inch greater than the iPhone 5S. That means the screen of the Galaxy S5 is the better choice when used for entertainment such as watching movies, playing games, browsing photos ... Especially when the screen of the Galaxy S5 colors look more natural than the previous model of the Samsung S series and probably the best phone screen to date.

Unlike the past, today's Super AMOLED screen has caught up with the LCD screen on the display quality, which means that the screen of the Galaxy S5 is better than the iPhone 5S. Important benefits of OLED backlight is not used often, Should color deeper blacks and much better contrast. In a dark room the screen of the iPhone 5S will not look as good as the screen of the Galaxy S5.

Samsung also lets you control the display mode is displayed as Dynamic, Standard, Photo and Movie to optimize visibility depending on the needs of the users use.


Samsung Galaxy S5 - 801 Snapdragon clocked at 2.5 GHz, 2GB RAM; 16/32GB microSD support.

iPhone 5S - Apple A7 clocked at 1.4 GHz 64-bit, 1GB RAM; 16/32/64GB not support microSD.

Looking at the specs, the iPhone 5S seems weaker than the Galaxy S5. Machine only own dual-core CPU instead of as the core of S5, RAM and also only half the clock speed is much slower.

However, the actual iPhone 5S still not bad performance when compared to the Galaxy S5. Firstly because iOS is generally more efficient and better controlled than Android. In both tests 3DMark scores almost the same, but in the SunSpider test based on the browser - java rendering speed measurement, iPhone 5S completely outclasses Galaxy S5.

on the A7 CPU Apple iPhone 5s  is 64 bit while the Galaxy S5 801 Snapdragon processor is 32-bit. Make today Android is not a system optimized for 64-bit platforms, so that there is not any Android devices equipped with 64-bit CPU. In theory, a 64-bit system can handle larger volumes of data in 32-bit systems so that the system will be stronger and more intensive applications.

Victory - equal


Compare Phones Samsung Galaxy S5 And IPhone 5S 6Samsung Galaxy S5 - 16 megapixel main camera on the back ISOCELL sensor, 2 megapixel front-facing camera. 

IPhone 5S - back 8 megapixel main camera, 1.2 megapixel front-facing camera.

Obviously Galaxy S5 has a higher resolution camera than double the iPhone 5S, but high resolution is not the main factor determining image quality.

In good lighting conditions, the camera shots from the Galaxy S5 more detail, the ability to shoot in low light conditions and also good to noise ratio is quite low. The camera of the iPhone 5S faster shutter speeds when shooting Galaxy S5 but in low light conditions, the image quality is not equal.

Samsung also equips the Galaxy S5 camera ISOCELL completely new sensor, new sensor which is capable of better color reproduction, ability to focus concentration than most rivals in most conditions, including the iPhone 5S in some cases.

Results photos from left to right iPhone 5S - Samsung Galaxy S5

                                                                      Snapshot normal 

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                                            Photo taken in low light conditions 

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                                                  Macro Photographs 

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                                                             Photo taken using flash 

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Battery Life

Samsung Galaxy S5 - 2,800 mAh battery, power saving mode Ultra Power Saving.

IPhone 5S - Battery 1.560mAh 

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   Samsung Galaxy S5 battery capable replacement, and also integrate power saving mode Ultra Power Saving effective. iPhone 5S smaller capacity batteries and iOS is no mode optimizes battery separately to prolong battery life when needed.

In fact three tests below battery with the screen brightness set to 75% and power saving mode off. The process of continuous use two devices to browse the web via Wi-Fi, watching video and listening to music HD after 1 hour intervals, Galaxy S5 is not much different from the competition but in power saving mode Galaxy S5 features are totally dominate.


   The biggest advantage of Samsung Galaxy S5 in this war is the display crisp, bright with high contrast are essential factors when selecting phone users who want to entertain. However, if the large screen entertainment with sharp is not the determining factor of your choice, the iPhone 5S still have certain advantages. Compact size allows users easier to use, app store, gaming and rich quality than Android.

You should choose Samsung Galaxy S5 if directed to mobile entertainment needs, while the iPhone 5S choose if you want to own a compact phone, with many applications fashion excellence.

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