Launched Earlier Galaxy Note 5: Samsung Wants To Go before Apple?

Launched Earlier Galaxy Note 5: Samsung Wants To Go before Apple

(Technewonline) After many rumors repeatedly in recent days, South Korean electronics company has officially launched the Galaxy Note phablet 5, the latest model of the product line Note the big screen.

No new designs

Galaxy Note 5 is the combination of the Galaxy S6 introduced earlier this year and the Note 4 launched last year. Still own machine design and size similar to its predecessor and the best products of Samsung Note this now.

Note 5 is considered the flagship product for Samsung win back market share from rivals Apple and the Android phone manufacturers cheap. Note 5 has many similarities with the Galaxy S6. S6 means owning powerful processor, touch screen and quality camera well advanced. All these advantages are present in Note 5.

Samsung's new phablet The property also designed and manufactured materials like S6, which is the glass front and back metal framed fashion but surely. However, loyal fans would not be happy with Note Note 5 Battery instant message, no microSD card support and no water resistance.

Configuration, Note 5 Exynos processor fitted similar S6 8 cores but RAM capacity must be increased up to 4GB. On the storage memory, Note 5 32GB or 64GB option, but no 128GB. Note Pin 5 of the stands at 3000mAh, but smaller than the Note 4 added support wireless charging and quick charging.

Borrowed camera, microprocessor and designing the Galaxy S6

Note 5 camera similar to the S6: 16MP and capable optical image stabilizer (OIS). It also owns 5.7-inch screen Super AMOLED HD quad-resolution reached similar. Note the screen size of 5 by 3 and Note 4 to the Note, and this may be regarded as the standard screen size which Samsung applies its product line Note.

However, the overall size of the Note 5 to more compact version released last year. Note 5 a little shorter, a little smaller and thinner than the Note 4. That allows you to manipulate the machine with one hand easier.

Note 5 also owns curved back design helps easier handling. Due to the back glass material so it will hold more sleek, easy fingerprints (including gold or black version). In general, the overall design and quality finishing of Note 5 senior also similar to Galaxy S6.

Note 5 software is similar to the recent products of Samsung. Running on the latest Android 5.1 Lollipop with Samsung's TouchWiz interface. Have added some new features were added, such as the ability to play video directly from the camera to YouTube application and an application has been improved for the connection and manage your phone using your PC.

Note 5 The launch soon clear that the new iPhone strategy one step ahead of Samsung. Note 5 will hit the shelves and began selling from 21/8 to market here, selling earlier than previous generations old Note. According to Samsung, each operator will adopt different policies for the phablet price, however its price is similar to the old Note life. That means higher prices Galaxy S6.

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