Apple Manufactured Ambitious Laptop Batteries Use 1 Week

Apple Manufactured Ambitious Laptop Batteries Use 1 Week

(Tech new online) Tech giants - Apple has filed a patent "system of integrated fuel" can provide power for electronic devices for use in a few days or even one week to charge the battery.

One of the factors that are most users complain for current electronic devices is battery life. All cameras, smartphones and laptops need a large capacity battery so users can use long term without the need to charge the battery. It seems that Apple is seeking to eliminate the concern that for users.

Tech giant has filed patents and Trade Agency and the US Patent Office (USPTO) has revealed this information yesterday (3/9). This is attributable fuel cell system for the battery of mobile computing devices. This will be an internal energy system can make a laptop for a few days or even one week is not charging, the contents of patents. In the content submitted, Apple describes how the energy source fuel cells are designed for electronic devices do not add much weight to the machine. The fuel cell tends attractive because of their ability to pack a lot of power within a relatively small package compared to a battery. Apple describes the fuel cell directly integrated into electronic devices.

Fuel cells generate electricity by combining a fuel such as hydrogen with oxidizing agents such as oxygen or air. This technology is increasingly attracting attention in recent years because not only can replace the battery. They can also be used as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels such as oil and gas. In addition to the main raw material of hydrogen, Apple's patent outlines a number of potential fuel sources, including sodium borohydride and water, sodium silicate and water and lithium hydride and water, magnesium hydride and water, while other technologies used use liquid hydrogen and compressed hydrogen gas.

Apple has not commented further information on the matter

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