BBC, Twitter And Tens Of Other Major Sites Of The Collapsed US

BBC, Twitter And Tens Of Other Major Sites Of The Collapsed US

(Technewonline) Yesterday (15/10), Tens of major sites in the US, including BBC news sites, social networks and Twitter have collapsed simultaneously.

These sites suspected "hit" have big traffic, such as BBC news site, Uber technology companies (providers hitchhike via mobile phone), online video sites HBOGo, Twitter , TV over Internet service Netflix ...

The multiple sites simultaneously collapsed in many areas of the United States has significantly affected the operations of the company and the online access of millions of customers.

However, even then, this problem was quickly remedied.

The incident went down at the same time dozens of major sites have aroused suspicion, that may have had an organized group of hackers attacked. Especially in the context of network attacks in the US is increasing, both in number and complexity and tend to target public agencies and private sector.

A different argument, that is, most likely caused by a technical glitch in cloud services UltraDNS in computer systems of companies, led to the problem of multiple simultaneous network down Web pages.

Currently the US authorities have not yet determined the cause of the problem on, still actively investigating the incident clarified.

Previously, in early June, the US government confirmed hackers broke into the database of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and steals personal data of at least 4 million federal employees.

In the last year, a series of White House e-mail and US State Department have also been hackers.

Hackers steal information and each of about 100,000 taxpayers from the computer of the US Internal Revenue Service and insurance companies, retailers have become "prey" of the cyber attack. After these incidents, the administration of President Barack Obama has officially warned: "The risk of cyber attack is one of the most serious challenges to national security."

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