State France requires taxes to pay of google

State France requires taxes to pay of google

According to Reuters, the French now want to withdraw 1.6 billion euros in taxes from Google. This information is an unnamed official of the French Ministry of Finance has said so.
"The influence of our country, the amount withdrawn from the company tax of up to 1.6 billion euros," the official added.

On the side of Google, Google representatives from France declined to comment on the figure and confirmed, "Google has to comply with the tax regulations in all countries in which the company participates in the business".

Even the French Finance Ministry declined to comment on the incident. Normally, tax authorities in France will make a preliminary assessment before making a final decision.

Immediately after the information is given, Google shares were 1.8% decline on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Earlier in February, the French Minister Michel Sapin Finance has removed cases given compensation agreement between Google and the French government, similar to the agreement that Google achieved in the UK.

Mr Sapin said Google's tax debt payments in France "much bigger" than debt in the UK.

In recent times, France, Britain and other countries have repeatedly criticized Google, Yahoo and many other technology companies huge profits in their country but pay tax in Ireland, where the business tax government adopts much lower.

Also in 2016, more recently, after the audit work is complete account, Google has agreed to pay 130 million pounds (about 185 million US dollars) in taxes in the UK.

However, many British officials have criticized the agreement between the British authorities and Google on the payable tax amount of 130 million pounds for the period from 2005 to date is "unreasonably low".

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