The Evaluation Criteria Ranking Of Google

The Evaluation Criteria Ranking Of Google

   There are hundreds of different articles about the elements of the Google ranks.
But to sum up all revolved around three main issues are:

1/ Build Backlinks:

  Build backlinks to and from your site, the quality of the links, the ratio between the links and even link to the page on your website and as well as the change in speed degree of this change.
Usually we are trying to increase a lot of links through our forum, link exchange, banner trading links or provide links from our main website to other links.
And the increasing popularity of the link will be an important measure to Google will index your site rank increased.

2/ Content:

  The content on your website, keyword density and correlation of content on the page and the content of the site itself and how it interacts with each other and how often , as well as the rate of this change. Here not every website has a lot of content would be a good website, a website can be a lot of posts of hits from different IPs and visit the huge amount of this IP back, read a website will be The best assessment.

3/ Visitor: 

   How many return visitors, how many visitors you receive and assess changes increase or decrease of the new access.

And after you do well are 3 factors you need to consider adding:

1/ These factors in social networking and sharing on social networking sites.

   When social networks are demonstrating its importance for Internet users. And it's also a great influence to the website ranking on google, G+, facebook, twitter ... The website popularity and great view from the amount of social networking will be a strong point for evaluating google your website.

2/ The application 's website.

   With the special website , which features special eg website software, website tools, website functionality ... visits are large because of its ability to applications users will be a large scale evaluation value the importance of the website.
Therefore, this type of website, though backlink quality content or less but still get good rankings. Therefore, functional website is also a factor 5 in google scale.

3/ Site optimization, high-speed host.
The Evaluation Criteria Ranking Of Google 1
Certainly no stranger to Onpage - onpage seo how to prepare ?
Too much content to talk about what to do to prepare Onpage google.

Of course if you do well on all these issues, then you will definitely get a ranking good.
Good Luck To You!

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