Ways To Increase Massive Referral Traffic To Website

Ways To Increase Massive Referral Traffic To Website

when you design a website or a blog, we are always thinking how to increase traffic to website, then here is some information to help you increase traffic to the website.
How to Increase Traffic to your Website?

Best Tips to Increase Huge Traffic to your website!

Well If you are also one of those people who are searching for this, then you are at very right place. The word Traffic means visitors and getting those visitors is a Challenge… People are struggling to discover new methods of traffic generation and How to get even more and more from the search engines or other sources like Social Media, Forums, Commenting, Directories etc. This is the only thing people fear opening a new blog and How to get it? Actually without Traffic, your blog is dead and can’t survive in today’s world!

I seen many bloggers quit blogging after 2-3 months because of no traffic to their blog and ends up with zero money. Only a true readership can lead you a good amount of traffic over long time, So just try to build it. Therefore today, I will focus on Referral traffic and Guide to Attract Massive Referral traffic towards the blog or Site. So lets start with the basic below and also read my other posts on Getting Traffic to your blog. Have a look…

Table Of Contents:

I. Types of Traffic
II. What is Referral Traffic?
III. Benefits and Advantages of Referral Traffic
IV. 8 Tips on How to Drive Referral Traffic to your blog
V. Final Words
VI. Get Social
VII. Join Social Bookmarking Sites
VIII. Create Content That People Love

I. Types of Traffic

basically, there are 3 types of traffic-
1. Direct Traffic- People visit your blog directly with no reference
2. Search Engine Traffic- People visit your blog from search engines
3. Referral Traffic- People visit your blog from any other source like Social Media.
Today, I am going to share some great tips on Getting Referral Traffic. So watch it carefully because I am going to reveal the secrets of Referral Traffic from Facebook especially.

II. What is Referral Traffic?

Referral Traffic is nothing but a traffic from Referrals or it can be a referral source to your site like for example, you can posts your links at Facebook, Google +, Forums, Directories, Guest Posting at other blogs, Web 2.0 sites to get Massive Referral Traffic. In other words, Traffic except search engines and Direct Visiting is known as Referral Traffic. As per Mathematics,

Referral Traffic = Traffic – (Search Engine Traffic + Direct Traffic)

III. Benefits and Advantages of Referral Traffic

Now With Referral traffic, one can build some targeted audience for her/his blog. This helps in increasing blog readership and community. Also When you posts links of your blog at Referral Sites, you will get a Backlink along with some traffic | Visibility| Exposure, Isn’t is Great! Apart from that, Driving referral traffic helps in improving Search Engine Ranking Position also after Google Hummingbird.

Note- Referral Traffic from Social Media Sites makes better relationship between the person and the blogger.

IV. 8 Tips on How to Drive Referral Traffic to your blog

1. Social Media Sites.

This is my best source of Massive Referral Traffic to my blog. Social Media Sites include Facebook, Pinterest and Google plus can boost your blog’s traffic if you use them properly. Now a days People are driving tons of Referral Traffic from Reditt, StumbleUpon and many more social bookmarking sites. Do remember, social media is not just about Facebook and Twitter.

Social bookmarking sites that allow you to bookmark and tag various online resources, are another easy way for your referral traffic. So just put up social media buttons on your blog or site so the ordinary people can socialize and helps in bookmarking the post. This leads you a great traffic with a backlink too.

Next, 70% of the people don’t know How to do it (getting referral traffic) ! If you are one of those then don’t worry as today I am going to clear it all. Note- I usually drive Traffic from Facebook and Google + which I am going to reveal it below.

For Facebook- I usually don’t update my wall with the blog post link only, rather than it I post my post link to over 50 Facebook Bloggers Group online and sharing plus commenting group. By this, I expose my post over lakhs of people every time and get shares with huge referral traffic.

For Pinterest- Just start up pinning your every blog posts images in order to enjoy free referral traffic from Pinterest as well. Note- Pinterest activates and boards crawls up many times in Google and other search engines at higher SERPS.

For Google plus – I joined different different types of bloggers Communities over G+ and make my post active on them by posing the link every time I publish a new post. Ask there to plus +1 your posts and comment please!

2. Guest Posting.

   Social network metaphor Well this is my favorite weapon to pick up and use! As Guest posts are a great way to build up referral traffic and nice relationship with fellow bloggers. Its also an fact that Google loves to track incoming links via Guest Posting but high quality authority sites. So just write up an great post for your favorite blogs and ask for a dofollow backlink. Its better if you write original content (no copy cat) because Google Webspam head Matt Cutts says’ this. This will make your blog away from any type of Penalty.
Note- Publishing content on Niche blog as same as yours means a lot and helps in building your Domain Authority. Also you will get a high Google Page Rank soon if you are getting links from Guest Blogging. If you don’t have enough time, better hire a guest writer for your guest blogging needs But choose them wisely.

So what are you waiting for, make an interesting list of your best blogs, watch it, seek your Guest Posting Opportunity and write a detailed post and Submit, Now get a link at the author bio. That’s it!

3. Blog Commenting.

Your Blog Comment’s can also help you in getting better referral traffic. Now just Comment on all the other’s blog which are similar to your niche. Try to do legal comment with real name, no spamming of links and long informative comment. Every day I usually comment on 5-10 different blogs and in the end, I get some extra 50-75 referral traffic from it. Note- try to do comment on the Dofollow blogs so you will get a quality link for free that passes pagerank.

Apart of that, Blog Commenting makes up better relationship between us, clear our doubts and queries and shares what our minds speak! Also the blog admin will be thankful to you for your comment.

Commenting on Commentluv and Keywordluv enabled blogs helps you a lot of getting nice traffic to your single posts as well. In this, your comment will be ended up with a recent post link of yours blog or site. In other words, blog Commenting will be great technique to get free traffic and quality backlink too.

4. Forums Posting.

Well I do not do Forum Posting too much but you cant ignore this! People are throwing lots of traffic to their blog by posting on popular forums like Warrior, SEOChat and Digital Forums. In this, replying to queries and posting your queries brings you some referral traffic, you can also post your links there with anchor text to enjoy some extra traffic. But Please respect the forums TOS otherwise you will be banned soon and don’t over Spam.

Best Tip: Try to Find up the forums of your blog niche. Answer your solution to the questions of your blog niche and at the end provide your blog link in the signature field. Moreover Forum participation builds up nice readership for your site and thus helps in boosting blog’s readers and subscribers etc. So forget to check out my below post on Huge List of High PageRank Dofollow Forums of 2013-2014-

5. Press Releases.

Press releases are a quick and easy way to get fresh referral traffic. It’s a great idea to do a press release for an event you will be hosting or to announce milestones such as executive changes, acquisitions, earnings releases and product launches etc. Note- Press Releases works for large scale companies not for small blogs like us.

In Press Releases, Media are also a part of great Referral traffic to your site or business. So try to grab the attentions of everybody and stand yourself up from the heavy crowd. It costs you money not free as Guest and Blog Commenting. I hope you like this way out.

6. Question and Answer Websites.

Question and Answer Sites i.e Q&A sites are the great source of Referral traffic and now Yahoo Answers being a part of it. People are driving huge traffic to their blogs from Q&A websites and also getting a dofollow link as well. You cant get even better than this, Q&A also builds up relationships with each other and helps you solve the problem asap.

In Some sites like Yahoo Answers, the more you answer the more points you get which will helps you to cross one level up. Your account quality and skills will be judged up with your level etc. So just put up your doubts and queries there in order to get a fast reply soon and makes things easier for you. Help others and Enjoy the conversion.

7. Banner Advertising.

Who Wont love Banner Advertising, I think everybody loves it! Banner Advertising means a banner is placed up at other websites with your homepage link in order to enjoy some extra referral traffic. Note- This is not free as costs you some dollars per month. A great example is Google Adwords.

Now You can use Google Adwords and use Pay per Click programme to get referral traffic to your blog. When Sometimes when you enter a query in Google, you see an advertisement on the top or on top right corner of the page. This is what I am saying.

Apart from internet, Now you can also do offline banner advertising of your sites as well at Bus Stands, newspapers, Walls and magazines. Isn’t it Crazy?

In other words, banner advertising gives you quick results and ends up you with a great boost in overall traffic but the only drawback is that it is limited and runs up with your pocket money.

8. Ask Friends to Promote your Site.

This is the most viral way in which you can promote your sites with the help of your friends and colleagues. This doesn’t costs you and spread your voice in your area. Your Friend list whether is is online or offline can brings you a great massive referral traffic, enjoyed lifetime. So just ask them to share your blog links, sites descriptions and about content online and offline as well.

This also makes up your readership and community when they subscribes to your blog also. have a nice talk to them and enjoy fruitful results always. Now one can also appreciate others work at online and tell others the success stories of his. This will make inspirations for others in terms of money and achievements he did. All Done!

V. Final Words.

These all were the Methods and Ways which can help you in driving referral traffic/visitors to your blog or website in sort period of time. I hope you all are satisfied with my 2000 words of article and worth reading! After reading and implementing all these things, Check out your website stats right away to see how much referral traffic you are getting along with some extra earnings. Also I need your useful comments and thoughts below for this topic and must share if I missed anything above.

VI. Get Social.

Social media has got to play a massive role when it comes to increasing referral traffic to your website. But remember, social media is not just about Facebook and Twitter. There are plenty of other platforms where you should be active in order to drive more traffic. These include YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn and the recently popular Pinterest.

One thing you should, however, keep in mind that each of these social media platforms is unique in their own sense. Therefore, you should adopt the right approach towards each of them.

VII. Join Social Bookmarking Sites.

Social bookmarking allows you to share your content with people online while sharing others’ content at the same time. If you get the basics right, you can attract a good amount of referral traffic to your website via social bookmarking. Some good examples of social bookmarking sites include StumbleUpon, Delicious, Reddit and Digg among others.

VIII. Create Content That People Love.

   To encourage more and more people to share your content with others, you’ll need to produce top quality content. In order to provide your website visitors with value-added content on a regular basis, attaching a blog to your company website is an excellent idea. If you consistently publish interesting, educational and helpful content on your blog, people will not only share it with others but they’ll link to it as well. In this way, you can generate a lot of highly targeted referral traffic to your website.

Referral traffic is a steady source of traffic for your website. Getting lots and lots of it also makes you Google-independent. Check out your website statistics right away to see how much referral traffic you are getting. And work out an effective referral traffic strategy to boost the growth of your website.

Hopefully these articles will help you improve traffic to your site. 
I wish you success.

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