The Latest Samsung Phone Galaxy Tab S Hottest

The Latest Samsung Phone Galaxy Tab S Hottest
   Samsung recently launched two tablet Galaxy Tab S 8.4 and 10.5 inches, this promises to be one of those tablet products are waiting in the summer.
The final product is expected tablet from Samsung has also launched. Two tablet Galaxy Tab S with 10.5 inch screen and 8.4 inch immediately be compared with the same tablet as Apple's iPad, Google's Nexus 7, the Amazon Fire HDX, Microsoft Surface ...

So through the premiere, experts assess how the Samsung Galaxy Tab

Lightweight design

The thickness is only 6.6 mm only like 5 credit cards stacked up, Samsung was confident statement about the design of its new tablet. This is a plus for the Galaxy Tab S when compared with other similar tablets.

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Both the tablet  8.4 inch and 10.5 inch has a slight edge over the tablet market, but users do not feel bothered by the size of the machine is quite light weight.

Front full smart phone contour around the screen feels solid and robust. The back cover of the Galaxy Tab S  10.4 inch after is designed as dots on previous launches Galaxy S5, 2 white and neutral gray titanium.

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AMOLED high resolution

Galaxy Tab S Super AMOLED screen with a resolution of 2.560x1.600, taking 800 Snapdragon chip (LTE version, the Wi-Fi chip Exynos 5 Octa), 3 GB RAM,camera
8 MP, Android 4.4 and is equipped Fingerprint sensors in the home button like the S5

The picture quality when compared with iPad mini product is somewhat superior more.

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On the left is a screen of the iPad mini is somewhat fainter than high-resolution screen of the Galaxy Tab S. picture recorded in the new showroom of Samsung.

AMOLED display technology of organic light-emitting diodes. AMOLED screens have higher contrast, which would be an increase of details, creating depth to the image. Next is capable of reproducing a wider color gamut, better video display response time through faster, smoother and very wide viewing angles even in direct sunlight conditions outdoors.

Powerful processor, there are many free apps

   Equipped with 800 Snapdragon SoC and 3GB RAM, Galaxy Tab S noticeable to the user by the speed of the machine. Can simply compare the speed of this tablet will quickly double and the quad-core tablet 4 times the common dual-core tablet. We can expect such product would be expected to experience the reality of this 2 tablet on the market.

Two Tab S by Samsung will be pre-loaded Android 4.4 interface comes with UX Magazine, has always split screen feature to run two applications at the same time, the S Voice Commands Voice and proprietary software other.

The Latest Samsung Phone Galaxy Tab S Hottest 4Manufacturer claims confidently equipped with the basic elements of quality assurance to users can do what they want on the device this.

More view information and buy here.

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