Hundreds of Apple devices running iOS 9 has been detected

Hundreds of Apple devices running iOS 9 has been detected

(Technewonline) Earlier this week, AppleInsider has recorded many devices running iOS 9. Now, a second report of a mobile marketing firm Fiksu seems to confirm that internal testing for the mobile operating system has been conducted.

The new study tracked by ad platform Fiksu showed there were about 145 devices running iOS devices 9. 63% of which is an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus, 12% of the iPad Air 2, 12% of iPhone 5s and 13% were other devices.

Fiksu also noted that 92% of traffic from these devices from the US, one of the few facilities in China, Czech Republic and some other countries.

So far, there are quite a few features of iOS 9 was revealed, although recent rumors suggests Apple may eventually add public transport guide to its Maps application. In addition, Apple also may allow third party developers to use the NFC chip in the device stores.

Hundreds of Apple devices running iOS 9 has been detected 1
                                    IOS 9 coming soon.

Either way, it should not expect Apple has officially announced until WWDC conference held in June.

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