These Products Is Awaited At The Event Google I/O

These Products Is Awaited At The Event Google I/O 4

   The biggest event in 2014 Google has taken place on 06.25.2014 at the event have new products noticeable appear.

Google I/O conference for developers, but Google also take advantage of this event to showcase the progress of their latest technology.

Android Wear 

These Products Is Awaited At The Event Google I/O                                           Moto  360 use Android Wear.

  This is an operating system developed by Google specifically for body-worn devices (wearable). LG and Motorola are already showing the smart meter running Android Wear, but both are not officially released product. Google is expected to introduce more new partners involved in the production SmartWatch use this platform, be it Samsung.

Smart House

In event I/O, Google's Nest department announced it would open its platform to any device manufacturer can transform familiar objects such as lamps, door handles ... become "intelligent" than, that can connect, interact with each other. 

These Products Is Awaited At The Event Google I/O 1 
   Nest is a company specialized in manufacturing equipment and alarm  fire smart  thermostats and acquired by Google for $ 3.2 billion. Nest has been the foundation of some big companies like Jawbone use or Mercedes. For example, Mercedes can connect and inform the Nest device that the user is about to reach home, so that the device will quickly adjust the temperature most suitable house to greet his master. 

Google also is one of the most interested firms tend Internet of Things (Everything is connected) along with Cisco, Samsung, Microsoft and Apple.

Android TV 

These Products Is Awaited At The Event Google I/O 2                                                    Android TV
    Google TV, the software works in the set-top box and TV, which Google launched in 2010 but quickly failed. Google seems to still want to try a new TV operating system called Android TV. From April, page The Verge has posted some photos of this interface platform with features similar to Roku, Apple TV or Amazon Fire TV.

The update to Android

Google has often introduced new versions of Android at I/O Annual, but they have not done this in last year's event. Instead, they wait until the fall to announce the Nexus phone. However, some pages still believe that Android technology new generation will appears.

new Tablet 

These Products Is Awaited At The Event Google I/O 3 
    website Android Police confirms  HTC  will produce the next Nexus tablet with 8.9-inch screen and product codenamed Volantis will debut in tonight's event(6/25/2014). However, many other technology experts predict that the tablet is called Nexus 9 will only be available in early fall. 
Social Networking  Google+

TechCrunch reported that Google will step purification Google Plus social network and separated into various services such as video chat, instant messaging and photo archive. This change may be more reasonable by far, Google+ has yet to be conquered large number of users and the chief Vic Gundotra also stay in the company.

Google Glass

Already two years since Google first announced Google Glass glass intelligent but still only sold in limited quantities and prices of up to $ 1,500. Company Internet services, has affirmed that the U.S. would launch a lower cost version of Glass for ordinary users and this model is awaited in I/O.

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