Stop Sharing A USB Flash Drive Before It's Too Late

Stop Sharing A USB Flash Drive Before It's Too Late
   (Technewonline) Experts of German security researchers have discovered that the device is connected to the USB has a fatal flaw. Any device connected via USB can also be programmed and controlled. 

It is time people should consider using these devices as smartphones, USB Flash drives are animals "haunting" and can not be shared with others, like toothbrushes and razors ...

   When someone thanks plugged into your computer or you borrow this equipment from a stranger, just a typing commands on the keyboard, the computer was in complete control. Or they can be fitted with a network card and change the signal completely Internet, from here your every move online will be monitored. By far, the terms such as identity theft, bank fraud, extortion ... are no longer strange to the people. And the cause of this incident also stems from the undue carelessness, USB becomes part of the culprit, but not many people expect. 

  Any computer engineer skilled public can also tamper with the operating system of a computer firmware. Previously, the danger when sharing data between USB devices have been cybersecurity experts mention the world, however, there have been new studies found gaps of design this is serious and can affect the security issues. When downloading the wrong app via USB, not just mobile phones that both your computer is heavily affected resulting in loss of control.

Hacker encrypted messaging app 

Stop Sharing A USB Flash Drive Before It's Too Late 1  
   The real problem worsened when most anti-virus software modern can not solve this problem. Technically, the user misbehavior USB is not a virus on the computer, so far there is no solution thoroughly treated. In 2008, the United States Pentagon has disabled all USB ports and banned the use of flash drives to prevent contamination between computers in a system of government.

The researchers conducted several tests with different flash drives, as well as on the Android smartphone connected to your computer via USB port. However, they are not tested on an iPhone or other smart phone.

Because of the convenience, flexibility and acceptance rate of the device connected to the USB quite high, along with the ability to transfer data from computer to USB and vice versa quickly, so the device becomes target of cybercriminals. The world's security experts will explain the details of the information related to the vulnerability of USB at security conference Black Hat next week in Las Vegas, USA.

Lessons from the past 

    However, people still remember much about stealing money from ATMs using USB world famous at the beginning of this year. According prestigious British newspaper Telegraph online, on the last day of 2013, a criminal group used the USB to transmit malicious code into a system of bank ATM anonymity in Europe and had taken a large amount of money client side. Reportedly, this criminal group has perforated a USB slot on the front of the automated teller machine. Next, we transmit malicious code into the computer via USB, making them automatically disburse money as people use the ATM card to withdraw money. 

Many ATMs have become empty and the security experts said that in order to do so, this criminal group must have a solid knowledge of software installation to the ATM and the USB device should not overlooked.

Good Luck To You !

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