Coming Technology 5G Network 30 Times Faster Than LTE ?

Coming Technology 5G Network 30 Times Faster Than LTE

(Technewonline) Samsung Electronics has successfully tested the next generation network technology, can provide 30 times faster than LTE. 

New technology developed by Samsung, was tested at up to 7.5 Gbps speeds in the laboratory environment, and it is the best result to date in the field of experimental high-tech.

Samsung also said that new technologies have transmission speeds at 1.2 Gbps stable when moving with Hyundai vehicles traveling at a speed of 100 km/h at Everland Speedway (South Korea).

New generation network technology will replace 5G 4G speeds above 100 Mbps operation, allowing download a movie in just a sec. The test is performed on the network with 28 GHz bandwidth.

The telecom operators such as NTT DoCoMo, Ericsson and Nokia also tested its own 5G technology. Meanwhile, Nokia is also trying to get the attention of technology-based 70 GHz band. However, current standards for 5G network has yet to be agreed.

According to analysts at IDC Youngso Lee in Seoul said: "No one knows 5G standard would look like. What can we think: it's a transfer rate many times higher than current LTE this ".

In May 1/2014, the South Korean government said it would "pump" 1.6 trillion won ($ 1.5 billion) to support deployment of services 5G. The government also plans to partner with Samsung to introduce 5G technology at the winter Olympics in Pyeongchan, South Korea in 2018. 

And if this happens, Lee said that Samsung may launch 5G services during the 2020 Olympic Games took place in Tokyo.

Lee adds, many technical challenges remain, including speed, bandwidth and energy management problem for network building 5G.

But, Samsung announced the successful experiment of 5G technology will certainly open up a new revolution for the development of telecommunications networks, as well as the types of IT and Telecom solutions in the future.

The era of "super-speed Web" is approaching. Let's wait and view.

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