Sony Closed 14 Stores In Canada, Determined To Abandon The Xperia?

Sony Closed 14 Stores In Canada, Determined To Abandon The Xperia

(Technewonline) Sony has announced it will closed all of its 14 stores in Canada within the next six to eight weeks.

According to a Sony spokesperson told CBC News Canada will have about 90 jobs will be affected. However Sony Canada not say why the stores were closed.

In another statement, Sony said it was encouraging its Canadian customers should buy Sony products at retailers nationwide third party, or through online stores, by phone.

The report said that Sony will also assist our authorized retailers and allow them to continue selling products as well as providing support to customers.

Sony has been a leader in the consumer electronics industry, giving the world the Walkman music player, PlayStation and a range of popular video cameras.

But Japanese companies have struggled with the problem of losses and is considering trading abandon some of its core areas such as TV or mobile phone.

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