Best deskop game in 2015? is is the answer! The gaming world is abuzz with excitement, aglow with the thrill of playing a game that no one expected to sneak in on them quietly turning them into addicts. The game is so addictive that it even crushed the candy crush (not a small feat by any reckoning). The game is not about car, bikes, chocolates or guns and fights. NO, it is about a BLOB!! Yeah, you read that right. It’s about a tiny blob that grows like a goliath eating up or swallowing if you will, little David’s on the way.

What is this game? Why has it caught the imagination of the netizens?
The games (Hold your breath!) are Agario or as purists call Agario is a multiple player game played across various platforms. It is probably one of the simplest games devoid of any rich graphics or annoying timer’s. The good news continues, Agario is a FREE web based game. The inventor of Agario remains anonymous (bless him) but his id is M28. Agario was first released in May and by June it went viral capturing the attention of millions of users spawning several thousands of hack.

How is the game played?
Playing Agario is quite simple, even a child of 5 can play it with ease. The person wanting to play goes to the main site/server. There is no registration nor does it require you to login (How thoughtful of them). As soon as you reach the website, you will be assigned a user id that’s usually ‘Cell #”, Voila! You are cast out into the treacherous world in petri dish.
As soon as you receive your unique id, you will float on to a board filled with different colored blobs varying in size. You, yourself will be one among the tiny blob. The objective is to grow BIG! Simply by consuming the other smaller blobs (It’s a dog eat dog world). The more you eat, the bigger you grow. The bigger you grow, the slower you become.
Everything is hunky-dory or appears to be BUT not everything is as it seems to be. If you are merrily on your way munching on smaller blobs for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The bigger blobs are out on the hunt, their mission to kill and eat you! If those bully blobs get hold of you, then it is GAME OVER for you.
So the rule of the game is eat, AVOID being eaten or devoured.

Is there a way to save you from the marauding big blob?
Yes! There is virus blobs scattered here and there. As soon as you spot a big bully blob coming your way, just run towards the nearest virus. The Big bully blobs will give everything to stay away from these viruses.
Another method is to feed the viruses using “w” key.  The virus feeds on the blob from which it had been “w”ed. The “W” key can be used by big blobs to shed their bulkiness for a faster movement. Space bar is another component to this game. Spacebar splits your cells in half for easier movement.
Just when you think, the game is simple and manageable, comes the game changer in the form of hack. These are cheat codes, employed sometimes by the players to play the game sneakily. These can give you new skin or turn you invisible.

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