Facebook Stocks Broke Above $ 100

Facebook Stocks Broke Above $ 100

Exceeded $ 100 Facebook shares rose 476% total since the IPO, becoming the 7th largest in the world. Once the company has market capitalization hit $ 250 billion milestone fastest ever, now shares the largest social network of the world has successfully conquered the landmark USD 100 / share. Such shares have risen 476% total since the IPO in May 9/2012. Facebook shares have become good 3rd movements in the index S & P 500.

Closed yesterday (23/10), shares of Facebook rose 2.5%, reaching $ 102.19 closing / share. Facebook breaks $ 100 on the day that the technology stocks in the S & P 500 rose the most since 26/8. Total market capitalization of the big three, Microsoft, Alphabet (parent company of Google) and Amazon has added $ 80 billion after earnings exceeded forecasts.

This is not the first time Facebook share revolves around $ 100. On 21/7, Facebook just 1.7% again to break above $ 100. However gust of August selloff led stocks down by 14% in 3 days, 2 month low hit bottom. Finally Facebook has recovered strongly with 24% growth.

Facebook Stocks Broke Above $ 100 1
Evolution stocks Facebook in 1 year

According to Tim Ghriskey, who manages $ 1.5 billion in investment funds Solaris, the biggest advantage of Facebook's prospects will earn a lot of money from advertising and are working just fine.

So far in the S & P 500 has a total of 109 stocks with more than 100 USD.

Along with the rise of Facebook shares, the net asset value of Mark Zuckerberg also rose sharply. Since early this year, Mark's assets increased $ 9.1 billion, up 43.6 billion dollars, making him the 8th richest man in the ranking of the world's richest billionaires by Bloomberg.

In terms of capitalization, Facebook has become the world's 7th largest, surpassing the names representing traditional industries such as banks JPMorgan Chase and companies operating in the consumer segment, Johnson & Johnson.

Along with Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Google, Facebook is among the tech giants accounted for 10% of the S & P 500 and over 30% in the Nasdaq.

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